Tuesday 6 July 2010



This year the FIFA World Cup is being held in South Africa. Everybody is talking about it. But what do you know about South Africa? I invite you to do this treasure hunt and you will learn a lot about this country. For a start, enjoy yourself with the official song of the World Cup, sung by Shakira.

Answer the following questions using the links provided to help you:

1. How is South Africa's national football team known as?
2. How many official languages are there in South Africa? Two of these languages are of European origin. Which ones? Are these languages the most spoken ones?
3. What colour is the South African flag? Why is it so special?
4. Who were the first colonists of South Africa? Why did they settle there?
5. Who were the boers? Who did they fight against?
6. Briefly explain what the apartheid was and when it took place.
7. Name 2 important men who fought against apartheid? What do they have in common?
(they were awarded with the same prize)

Now that you have learnt more about South Africa, here is the BIG QUESTION:

As you will have read, now South Africa is a constitutional democracy but it hasn't always been this way. Do you find any connection between the lyrics of Shakira's song and the history of South Africa (and with Africa in general) ? What is the meaning of the song? Is it a new song? Now it's your turn to investigate.

You will have to hand me in the answers on paper and make a powerpoint to do a brief oral presentation of what you have learnt to the rest of your classmates.

Useful links:

Assessment criteria:

-the correct content of the answers
-fluency in the oral presentation
-your interest


  1. Hello Susanna,
    Congratulations !! I think it's a perfect choice. Many people had very little information about this beautiful country. This is the perfect excuse to show our students that the world is a huge place.
    joan carles

  2. Very good treasure hunt! I like your choice because it is an interesting country with lots of things to discover!
